# Cracking Passwords

# Hashcat

# hashid

you can easily identify the mode needed in hashcat by running hashid with the -m flag

hashid -m hash.txt

if that fails you can look at examples on the hashcat wiki: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes

# Wordlist

copy hash(es) into hash.txt

hashcat -m 1800  hash.txt  /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt -O        # Crack SHA-512 Crypt with -O (optomize) flag  
hashcat -m 10000 hash.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt            #Crack Django (PBKDF2-SHA256)
hashcat -m 7900  hashes.txt --user  /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt  # Crack multiple Drupal7 hashes from file that includes username:hash

# Partial Password

cat > hash.txt
cat > password 

now crack!

hashcat -m 3200 hash.txt password --user -r /usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule 

# John the ripper

john stores previously cracked hashes in a potfile: less ~/.john/john.pot

# unshadow

Combine the provided passwd (passwd) and shadow (shadow)(shadow) and redirect them to a file (> unshadowed.txt):

unshadow passwd shadow > unshadowed.txt

# finding hash type

john --list=formats | tr ',' '\n' | grep PBKDF2

# cracking with wordlist

john --wordlist=/usr/share/john/password.lst --rules hashes.txt
john --wordlist=fsoc.dic --rules --format=Raw-MD5 hash.txt             # Crack a raw md5
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --format=nt hash.txt  # Crack an ntlm hash

# Cracking GPG

gpg2john test.priv > gpghash.txt                              # extract hash from gpg private key
john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt gpghash.txt  # Crack an gpg hash

then you can decrypt messages on the commandline like so:

mykey.asc # should start with

gpg --import mykey.asc

Check if it shows up:
gpg --list-secret-keys

Decrypt a message:
gpg --output ./decrypted_msg.txt --decrypt ./encrypted_msg.txt

# inspecting pot file

john saves previous cracks in a pot file.

less ~/.john/john.pot